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As a scientific user facility, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) provides expertise, instrumentation, and resources to 250 projects each year. 

EMSL projects displayed on the EMSL web site project page reflect project abstracts and information migrated to this page before April 30, 2024. To review current and past EMSL user projects, visit EMSL Science Central.™ 


  • Projects beginning at or after given date.
    Projects ending at or before given date.

Midgley MONet Request

Lead Institution
The Morton Arboretum
Principal Investigator
Meghan Midgley
Project type
Using a series of mature, mono-specific forestry plots, our collaborative team here at The Morton Arboretum together with our partners outside the Arboretum are addressing interdisciplinary questions…

Soil Function Across Variably Inundated Environments - Tidal Systems

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Peter Regier
Project type
We aim to generate knowledge, data, and models that are transferable across Earth’s variably inundated ecosystems. We are focused on the integrated hydro-biogeochemistry of soils in these diverse…

The elusive structure and function of peatland fine roots

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Avni Malhotra
Project type
Exploratory Research
Peatlands store one-third of the global soil organic carbon pool. Yet, the climate change responses of plant roots, which directly contact and shape this pool, remain elusive. We aim to estimate…

Methanotrophy inside-out: metals and metabolism

Lead Institution
San Diego State University
Principal Investigator
Marina Kalyuzhnaya
Project type
Exploratory Research
Methylotrophs are among the key players in the environmental cycling of C1-compounds, such as methanol and/or methane. The oxidation of C1-compounds requires a number of minerals including Cu, Fe, Ca…

Resilience of Amino Acid-Mineral Assemblages

Lead Institution
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Principal Investigator
Maya Engel
Project type
Exploratory Research
The persistence of organic matter (OM)-mineral assemblages in soils relies on their ability to resist chemical change. Association of OM and/or Si within mineral assemblages serves a dual purpose – 1…

Impact of Salinity on DOM Release from Soils Following Seawater Inundation

Lead Institution
Argonne National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Edward O'Loughlin
Project type
Exploratory Research
A recent large-scale field manipulation experiment exposed large coastal forest plots to extreme flooding by estuarine water and fresh water. Elevated dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations…

Size-resolved Physicochemical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
ManishKumar Shrivastava
Project type
Exploratory Research
Biomass burning aerosol (BBA) is a major component of atmospheric aerosols and plays critical roles in the climate. BBA can affect climate directly by absorbing and scattering light, causing overall…